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Report a problem

Report any problems along the way and we will notify the local authority.
Wherever possible, we will also work with the volunteers to resolve the problem.
You can also tell us about the beauty that you discovered along the Way – like interesting plant and animal life or an impressive view.
By reporting any problems and telling us what struck you, you are not just doing your part to protect the path, but you are helping us find solutions to protect and improve the Walk of the Franciscan Proto-martyrs

Updates on the path

The updates and reports on the route are reported on the individual stages (you will find on the stage card the alert "Attention" in case of problems).
To consult all the updates and warnings on the Walk of the Franciscan Proto-martyrs CLICK HERE
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Way of the Franciscan Proto-martyrs

The Path is twinned with:

Il Cammino dei Protomartiri è gemellato con il Cammino di Sant'Antonio
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